mondays suck.

02.04.2002-12:35 p.m. feeling: The current mood of at
so i crashed at matt's (Talenos) last night...just didn't feel like being home, i guess.


so yeah. ry ry and jay jay should be coming up to visit me today if jayson doesn't have to work. that should be nice, i don't spend nearly enough time with jayson anymore and i miss that dumbfuck. he's definitely one of my favorite people in the entire world and funny as fucking hell to boot.

ok. so the people who are giving me shit about my "newly professed emoness..."

NEWS FLASH: IT'S NOTHING NEW!!! It's just a new name on an old way of life for me. Ryan's been telling me for almost a year that i'm an emo kid at heart.

i'm still me. i still love AFI, and Tool, and other's just that the majority of stuff i listen to is labeled indie or emo or punk...i'm a mutt as far as musical tastes go, i suppose.

lately it's been a lot of Bright Eyes and Alkaline Trio, much to Ryan's chagrin. he hates it. i keep telling him to blame it on Ryan Ritson making me listen to Jimmy Eat World back last semester...

but really, i think it's from having been around drew. that boy makes me want to reinvent myself and run away.

get away from all this shit.

so i've decided in the interest of not killing myself over drew i'm not going to see him at night for awhile...i'm going to make him trek his non-driving ass over here from 8th street if he wants to hang out. that boy is the laziest guy EVER and it's getting to the end of my patience with that.


okay. i'm gonna make myself some skettios.

anyway, if anyone should want to come up and visit us Oak Fosmark girls, feel free...we are bored up here.

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