i just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone.

06.07.2002-1:37 a.m. feeling: The current mood of skettios777@yahoo.com at www.imood.com
god, i have been so incredibly lazy about updating this. i'm sorry kids. i'll try harder, really i will. i promise. my internet access has been sucking it hardcore, and what with my computer being down for over a week earlier in the month i think i've quite a bit of catching up to do.

some nights, i just feel so goddamn tired. i'm on this medication now for my depression that's a mild sedative, supposedly.

however, it's rather like what dennis leary says about nyquil. "it says on the bottle, 'MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS'. It should say 'DON'T MAKE ANY FUCKING PLANS'.

this stuff conks me out faster than anything in the history of the free world. i take this little teensy 15 milligram pill and i'm dead out in under 20 minutes. and i wake not rested, but extrordinarily groggy and cranky and looking rather like the long lost cousin of the cteature from the black lagoon.

i'm not exaggerating, folks. it really is that scary. i think my fourteen year old brother, john, thought i was going to eat his head this morning when he woke me up.

which brings me to how my day began.

it began with said brother banging on my door. "kate, get up, you have to move your car, or a cement truck will run it over!!" he yelled through the door.


i mean, really. i didn't even get HOME let alone go to sleep until at least three am. and here i am all comfy and lazy on my futon where i sleep, being woken up to the fact that if i don't move my car in the next ten minutes it's going to be crushed to smithereens.

now, i don't have the nicest car, by any standards, it's a 96 hyundai accent (dubbed "the accident"), but it's mine, it moves, it gets me places, and i have a rather sentimental attachment to the thing.

so i get up and move the damn car, swearing the whole way downstairs because i know i'm not going to be able to get back to sleep.

so started my day.

thankfully, it didn't really progress in such a manner. and thankfully, i also will probably get to do something with mark tomorrow night.

yes, another mark. more commonly known as "marko" to the good citizens of strangetalk. or the "you wanna make out?" guy. so that's happy.

and i'm tired, and not entirely sure why i've written so much. i think i've suddenly switched into "ranting bitch kate" mode.

so i think it's time for some zelda, and then sleep. i'm bushed. and i have to take my pill, so once i do that i've got 20 minutes until i'm gone til tomorrow.

kate out.

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