the one you painted blue and glued with jewelry tears.

04.01.2002-1:51 p.m. feeling: The current mood of at
la la la.

so ever so smartly, kate decided to drink last night. and of course, already being depressed sent me into this complete "i hate everyone" thing...where i subsequently got extremely angry at casey for promising me we'd go to perkins and then ditching me for jenn..

i was PISSED.

then my ex best friend jayson starts IMing me. YAY. just what I FUCKING NEEDED.

so i start bawling.

and eventually i get ahold of casey who comes over and gave me hugs and let me cry on his shoulder and cheered me up muchly until i finally slept.

today has GOT to be better. last night vic and chaos hooked me up with a live journal code so now i can read vic's friend only entries. w00t w00t. i feel all special!

so yes. something to do today...i need something to do.

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