my heart pounds as i lay by your side.

06.12.2002-2:47 a.m. feeling: The current mood of at
"love is a little thing, shaped like a lizard. it runs up and down your spine and tickles your gizzard."

i don't remember where i first heard that, though i think it was in a madeline l'engle book. possibly a ring of endless light. though it's been a very very very long time since i read that, it's stuck with me.

i've fallen in love again.

it's a scary thing, letting someone in. letting them see all the parts of yourself. even the things you hate. the skeletons in your proverbial closet.

being vulnerable is one of the most terrifying feelings in the world. there's a certain comfort we have in the known. in the little routines of our daily lives. in what becomes who we are.

when you fall in love you have to edit your world to include someone else. it's difficult to adjust.

it's my theory that there are distinct stages that most romantic relationships go through.

first, the awkward, "i don't really know you yet" stage. this stage is characterised by long periods of excessive chatter followed by uncomftorable silence as you begin to get used to the whole "having a significant other" thing.

stage two is the cutsie romantic phase. you're madly head over heels with the other person. you do things like call each other every night for the sole purpose of being the last person that your significant other talks to before he/she goes to sleep.

stage three is boredom. you begin to get stuck in a routine, and can't seem to get out of it. during this stage, your eyes may wander to others.

step three is fighting. not just piddly squabbles over whether or not you locked the car doors, but things like about money.

okay, yeah, there are more steps, but i'm really really tired.

kate == out like a light.

i <3 mark.

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